In which market is GFNorte’s stock listed?
GFNorte’s ordinary shares are traded in:
- Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) under the ticker “GFNORTEO”.
- Madrid Stock Exchange through the Latin American Stock Market "Latibex", under the symbol XNOR. One share of XNOR represents 10 shares of GFNorte.
Moreover, a Level 1 Sponsored Program of ADRs was established in the United States, operating in the OTCQX market under the “GBOOY” symbol, each ADR represents 5 shares of GFNorte. The depositary bank is Bank of New York Mellon.
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Sustainability Index
- IPC Sustentable (Sustainable IPC, Mexican Stock Exchange)
- Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index
- FTSE4Good Emerging Index (London Stock Exchange)
- Stoxx Global Climate Change Leaders Index
- Euronext ‐ Vigeo EM 70 Index
- A List: CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index
- Bloomberg Financial Services Gender-Equality Index
- Global Initiative Report (GRI Standards)
- GEI2 Programme Mexico
- Principles for Responsible Investment
Applicable taxation for shares’ sale
Applicable taxation for shares’ sale through the BMV to individuals and corporations residing in Mexico and / or abroad is provided, among others, in Articles 22, 23, 56, 126, 129, 161 and other applicable provisions of the Income Tax Law and Fiscal Miscellany Resolutions. Investors should consult their tax advisors the effects of the acquisition, holding and disposal of shares.
How many outstanding shares does GFNorte have?
At the end of September 2024, the number of outstanding shares was 2,883.46 million.
What is GFNorte’s float?
Under the methodology approved by the CNBV for issuer companies, GFNorte’s float is approximately 86%
Which rights do shareholders’ have?
They may be consulted in the Article Twelve “Title to Shares and Shareholders’ Rights” of GFNorte’s Corporate Bylaws:
Corporate Bylaws.
How does the repurchase fund works?
Article Seventeen “Acquisition and Placement of the Company’s Own Shares” of GFNorte’s Corporate Bylaws set the rules on which the company may acquire shares of its capital stock:
Corporate Bylaws.