Loan Portfolio Rating Methodology

The loan portfolio is rated pursuant the rules issued by the SHCP and following the methodology established by the CNBV. For the revolving consumer loan, auto loan and mortgages portfolios the Institution applies internal rating methodologies with an advanced approach based on NIF C-16, and for the enterprise and corporate loan portfolio the Institution applies an internal rating methodology with a basic approach also based on NIF C-16, all of them informed to and authorized by the CNBV.

These regulations also established general methodologies to grade and record of allowance for loans and credit losses for each type of credit.

Credit Institutions must apply, quarterly on March, June, September and December, the established methodology to rate the commercial loan book and record in its financial statements the allowance for loan and credit losses at the end of each month. Likewise, for those subsequent months to the end of each quarter, the correspondent rate to the credit in question used at the end of the immediate previous quarter could be applied on the amount of the debt recorded the last day of the mentioned months. The allowance for loan and credit losses that exceed the required amount to rate the loan portfolio will be canceled on the date in which the next quarterly rating is done against the results of that period; likewise, the recovery on the loan portfolio previously written off is recorded against the current period results.

General Description on the Standard Methodologies set forth the CNBV

The standard methodologies to rate the consumer and commercial loan books (excluding credits for project finance with their own source of payment) establish that the reserves for those portfolios are determined based on the standard estimation of expected loss for the next twelve months for those loans classified as stage 1 and 3, and a lifetime expected loss for those classified as stage 2.

Given the adoption of IFRS9 in January 2022, these methodologies state that to estimate such expected loss, the probability of default, the loss given default and the exposure at default are evaluated and the result obtained by the multiplication of these three factors is the estimation of the expected loss which is equal to the amount of provisions required to face the credit risk for those loans classified as stage 1 and 3

For those loans classified as stage 2, a lifetime reserve is calculated according to Standard methodologies, which consider in their estimation for the remaining term of the loans and stated annual interest rate along with the probability of default, the loss given default and the exposure at default.

For revolving consumer, non revolving consumer and mortgages, it is assumed that at the moment of default, only the minimum payments are made until the settlement of the credit balance (median life estimation). Finally, the reserve amount to consider will be the maximum of the lifetime reserve and the 12 months reserve.

Depending on the type of portfolio, the probability of default, the loss given default and the exposure at default for the standard methodologies are determined considering the following:

Probability of default

  • Non revolving consumer.- it takes into consideration the current delinquency, payments made in respect to last balance,  type of credit,  among others.
  •    Commercial.- according to the type of debtor, considers credit experience factors, agency ratings, financial risk, socio-economic risk, financial strength, country and industry risk, market position, transparency, corporate governance standards, and other qualitative aspects of the business.

Loss Given Default

  •      Non revolving consumer.- according to the number of unfulfilled payments.
  •      Commercial.- considers financial and non-financial real guarantees and guarantors.

Exposure at default

  •      Non revolving consumer.- considering the credit balance to the rating date.
  •      Commercial.- for revocable loans it takes into consideration the credit balance at the rating date. For irrevocable loans, the current level of use of the credit line is taken into consideration to estimate how much the use of such line would increase in case of default.

According to the standard methodology established by the CNBV to rate project finance with its own source of payment credits, the rating must be carried out analyzing the risk of the projects in the pre-operational and operational stage, evaluating the overrun, the cash flows of the project, and other qualitative aspects of the business.

Internal Rating Methodologies based on NIF C-16

According to Annex 15 and Annex 15 Bis of the CUB (Circular Única de Bancos), Institutions may use internal models to calculate capital requirements and reserves, the IRB approach is used for the former and IFRS9 for the latter. The internal methodologies used by the Institution, as well as the standard methodologies have a twelve-month expected loss for those loans classified as stage 1 and 3 and a lifetime  expected loss for those classified as stage 2. Such internal methodologies could have the following approaches:

  • Basic.-the probability of default is estimated considering internal methodologies, while the parameters of loss given default and exposure at default are applied according to the standard model.
  • Advanced.- the probability of default, the loss given default and the exposure at default are estimated applying internal methodologies.

Revolving Consumer Loan Portfolio

The Institution received approval from the banking regulator since January 2018 to apply an internal based rating methodology with an advanced approach for the revolving consumer portfolio. This methodology is used to estimate the reserves and capital requirements for credit risk, according to the regulation.

For revolving consumer (credit card), it is assumed that at the moment of default, only the minimum payments are made until the settlement of the credit balance (median life estimation).

For this methodology, the probability of default, the loss given default and the exposure at default are determined considering the following:

Probability of default

  •    There are differentiated models according to internal variables which take into consideration aspects as the intensity of use, internal operation, customer loyalty, seniority of the account and external behavior variables such as maximum delinquency rate and use with other financial institutions in different time horizons.

Loss given default

  •      According to the number of unfulfilled payments

Exposure at default

  • It takes into consideration the current use of the credit line and the level of default to estimate how much the use of such credit line would increase in case of default.

Auto Loan Portfolio

The Institution received approval from the banking regulator since January 2020 to apply an internal rating methodology based on an advanced approach for the Auto Loan portfolio. This methodology is used to estimate the reserves and capital requirements for credit risk, according to the regulation.

For this methodology, the probability of default, the loss given default and the exposure at default are determined considering the following:

Probability of default

  •     It considers the unfulfilled payments, customer’s years of experience with the institution and the age of the credit, as well as external behavior variables: maximum delinquency and observed usage in other financial institutions.

Loss given default

  •    There are differentiated models for each segment based on the ratio “accounting balance / amount of the guarantee” that, through different periods of time, brings to present value the costs associated with the recovery (recoveries, reductions and discounts), and they are expressed as a percentage of the exposure at default.

Exposure at default

  • It considers the credit balance at the time of the rating.


Since July 2023, the institution has been authorized to use an internal methodology under an advanced approach for the Mortgage “Origen Banorte” portfolio This methodology is used to estimate the reserves and capital requirements for credit risk, according to the regulation.

For this methodology, the probability of default, the loss given default and the exposure at default are determined considering the following:

Probability of Default

  • It considers the type of credit, the ratio of book balance/updated value of the property under CUB guidelines, as well as external behavioral variables: maximum delinquency and usage in other financial institutions observed over different time periods.

Loss given default

  • Differentiated models are used for each segment based on the ratio of book balance/ updated value of the property under CUB guidelines. These models bring the costs associated with recovery (recoveries, write-offs, and discounts) to present value over different time periods and are expressed as a percentage of the exposure at default.

Exposure at Default

  • It considers the credit balance at the time of the rating.

Enterprise Loan Portfolio

The Institution received approval from the banking regulator to apply an internal rating methodology with a basic approach starting on January 2019 for the Enterprise Loan Portfolio (individuals with business activity and legal entities different to states, municipalities and financial institutions, both with annual sales greater than or equal to 14 million UDIs). This methodology is used to estimate credit risk reserves and capital requirements according to regulation.

For this methodology, the probability of default is determined considering the following:

Probability of default

  •    Credit behavior, financial risk, debt restructuring, economic sector, quality of the business management, the Institution target markets and others qualitative aspects of the business.

(Last modified January 24, 2024)