Sustainable Development Goals

Grupo Financiero Banorte's impact

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is an agenda developed through the United Nations that consists of 17 goals that target social problems and an equality development, while taking care of the environment. In 2018, we carried out our first exercise in aligning our operations, products and services with the Sustainable Development Goals. We are focusing on Mexico’s social and environmental priorities toward the year 2030, as well as our own contribution to these as a financial group. To continue this exercise, last year we began to track the performance of the indicators reported.

Image of Sustainable Development Goals

At Banorte, we align our commitments and actions to this global initiative. Based on our materiality study and the relevant issues identified by our stakeholders we have defined the operational and business indicators that directly affect each of the goals, which were subsequently evaluated to determine the magnitude of their impact (high, medium or low) on our business, society and the environment, defining the priority SDG. For each indicator we established goals that are measured periodically to review their progress towards the attainment of these goals.

For further information, you can visit the following reports: Banorte and the 2030 Agenda in times of COVID-19 and SDG Contribution 2018 report.

During 2020, we made an effort on family remittances and the SDG. This was developed in partnership with the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). You can find an execxutive summary in the following link (available only in Spanish): Family Remittances and the SDG.