Business cases SEMS

As part of the culture of social and environmental risk management at Banorte, we communicate relevant topics on the matter, good sector practices and business cases aimed at reinforcing the internal training of employees and recognizing the performance of our clients with respect to national legislation and international standards.


We contribute to the financing of sustainable real estate developments

We finance the development of real estate projects located in Quintana Roo, Mexico focused on sustainability in order to improve the inhabitants´ standard of living and quality of life. The Socio-Environmental Risk area identified that the client follows Mexican national legislation and carries out good practices integrating bioclimatic architecture in its buildings. These projects positively impact the environment where they are located, achieving social, environmental, and economic profitability and, at the same time, contribute to reducing their carbon footprint.

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We support infrastructure projects for river sanitation and wastewater treatment

We provide financing for the construction, operation and maintenance of collectors and a wastewater treatment plant for river sanitation with the main objective of mitigating current pollution to improve the quality of life of local communities.

Through the Socio-Environmental Risk Management System, it has been possible to ensure that the project complies with environmental legislation and strategies were developed, together with the client, to generate processes that respect and promote ecological and social balance.

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We promote energy transition to lower environmental impact sources

The construction of a compressed natural gas station to supply vehicles was financed. Natural gas has lower carbon footprint and other emissions compared to other fossil fuels; therefore, it represents a better alternative from a climate perspective and is important in the transition towards a sustainable energy system.

Our team specialized in social and environmental compliance verified that the project has a current authorization regarding environmental impact and risk, issued by the Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Industrial y de Protección al Medio Ambiente (ASEA) in compliance with current national legislation.

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We contribute to the supply of drinking water

We provided financing for the construction, infrastructure transfer, operation, conservation, maintenance, and start-up of a seawater desalination plant with a capacity of 250 liters per second in Baja California Sur, Mexico, relieving the water pressure of the current system, improving the supply deficit and generating jobs for the community.

The Environmental and Social Risk Management team verified that the project was published in local media for the knowledge and participation of society; that the project has an environmental program based on ISO 14001, a social management plan and an environmental monitoring system operated by the department responsible for environmental surveillance, safety and hygiene.

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We support infrastructure with low impact on Greeghouse Gas Emissions

We financed a project for the rehabilitation and modernization of the railway infrastructure and the transport system of Mexico City, in order to improve its daily operation, optimize the conditions for citizens to travel and release fewer gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Our social and environmental specialist team identified that the project has mitigation measures to deal with occupational risks, as well as the generation of hazardous waste. The client developed a Health and Safety Program and a Waste Management Plan, in compliance with current national legislation.

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We reiterate our commitment to the conservation of nature

We finance the strengthening of tourism projects focused on sustainability and environmental conservation in Quintana Roo, Mexico. To ensure that these projects meet the highest standards, the Social and Environmental Risk area verified that they have environmental impact compliance reports, species rescue and conservation programs, as well as worker health and safety indicators. The project has vegetation management programs aimed at maintaining landscape connectivity as well as wildlife management programs to preserve local species.

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We encourage sustainable tourism recreation

We finance the operation of recreational parks located throughout the Mayan Peninsula that promote sustainability through the implementation of strict programs and procedures subject to national and international certifications.

Banorte's specialized socio-environmental risk area verified client’s legal compliance on environmental impact, health and safety, and also has specific fauna rescue, conservation and reproduction programs, in addition to an Environmental and Good Practices Management System that considers business with local suppliers and a close relationship with the community, favoring the economic growth of the region and the local culture.

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At Banorte we favor tourist activities that prioritize cultural and environmental conservation

We support infrastructure works that implement technologies to reduce environmental impacts

We provide resources for the construction of a high specification highway that improves accessibility conditions, economic development and allows populations to access the Gulf of Mexico areas with greater security.

This project integrates as a priority the installation of 346 wildlife crossings located every 300 meters along the route with the aim of maintaining communication between ecosystems, it also has a technical opinion from the authorities to avoid damage to cultural and historical heritage, environmental impact studies, noise reduction program in the environment, proper waste management, relocation of flora and fauna, as well as a department with specialized supervisors who monitor compliance with environmental and safety aspects.

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We encourage projects that mitigate environmental impacts and improve socioeconomic conditions.

We promote efficient energy generation processes

We financed the building of a 4,278 kW cogeneration plant to meet the demand for electricity in a facility in Mexico City, with the potential to obtain Clean Energy Certificates after meeting the required efficiency and emission criteria.

The Socio-environmental Risk Management team verified that the project has a social impact study, as well as an environmental impact authorization that indicates that the land use of the site where the project will be installed is appropriate, in addition to the fact that there is no high-risk activities are carried out.

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Banorte promotes the financing of projects that contribute to the sustainable generation of energy.