According to the United Nations, human rights are the set of fundamental rights and freedoms for the enjoyment of human life in conditions of full dignity and are defined as intrinsic to every person by the fact of belonging to humans. Human rights are universal, inalienable, indivisible and interdependent, and their principles are participation, inclusion, transparency, accountability and consideration of the law.
GFNorte is firmly committed to respecting the human rights of its employees, customers, suppliers, society and other stakeholders, regardless of nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, sexual identity or orientation, as well as any other condition, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and paying special attention to the impact of its operations on vulnerable or marginalized groups, including women, communities and indigenous peoples.
As part of the social and environmental due diligence and in line with the Equator Principles as well as national legislation, SEMS examines the performance of projects seeking financing, in accordance with the IFC Performance Standards Guidelines, particularly on the following aspects:
- Environmental and social risk and impact assessment
- Social impact assessment
- Human rights assessment
- Labor and working conditions
- Terms of employment
- Non-discrimination and equal opportunity
- Occupational health and safety
- Community health and safety
- Emergency response
- Grievance mechanism
- Public consultation and informed participation
- Displacement and compensation
- Public consultation and informed participation
- Customary use
Equator Principles IV suggests adherence to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, strengthening the analysis of impacts on indigenous peoples and including communities, workers, the supply chain, among others, as stakeholders.
Human Rights Policy